Key information about a holiday in 3-star Gasthof Zur Post in Maishofen
A to Z information – from Arrival to getting in some ‘zzzs’, in one of the loveliest regions in Salzburger Land
From what time can arrive in Gasthof Zur Post in Maishofen?
When is the restaurant in Gasthof Zur Post open?
How can I reserve a table in Gasthof Zur Post?
Is car parking available at Gasthof Zur Post in Maishofen im Salzburger Land?
Does Gasthof Zur Post in Salzburger Land have a sauna?
What services are includes as part of half-board?
Are pets permitted during a stay in Gasthof Zur Post in Maishofen?
Can I celebrate my wedding in Pinzgau in Gasthof Zur Post?
Can I stay the night in Gasthof Zur Post after a celebration?
How do I reserve a room in the 3-star Gasthof Zur Post in Maishofen?
Whereabouts in Maishofen can I go skiing?
What are the terms for free cancellation?
Are discounts for public transport available?